My name is Mrs. Buehler and I will be teaching your child's art class. I have been a stay at home mom for the last fourteen years and have enjoyed my time with my children so bear with me as I master the art of the blog. I have been fortunate to have taught their art classes for the last eight years. I have taught kindergartners through fifth graders. I love to spend my free time drawing and painting with my kiddos.
What we've been doing since the start of second quarter
Since October 17th, I have had the fortune of having Mrs. Narens in the class room. Mrs. Narens taught Kindergarten and first grade art at Arete Archway and Chandler Archway. She will be with us for one more week.
Some things that we have done with your kiddos before this week are:
Kindergarten: Picasso's line animals
Piet Mondrian collages
Matisse's Pot de Begonia's(my favorite)
First Grade: Matisse's Pot de Begonia's
Geometric shapes and shading
Organic shapes
O'Keeffe leaves
Second Grade: Geometric Shapes
Organic Shapes
Paul Klee's Senecio
Third Grade: Color Mixing
Kandinsky's Concentric Circles